Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sixteen days left.
From my family, we would like to say thank you all for standing by us, praying for us, all the calls, your love, prayers and even the financial blessings you have given us. So many of you have been a big support for mom and we kids thank you. Friday will be a year since dad’s accident, we have experience many ups and down but through it all God has been faithful, you have been His arms that have hug us when we needed to be held, His voice speaking words of encouragement that has been our strength and His ears to hear our cry. We have so much to be grateful about, the road has been long and we still have a ways to go. We believing for the big miracle that will be dad’s healing but really everyday is a miracle.
Juanita and her children are here in Houston to be with us on Thanksgiving, Donna and Nolan will be here on Friday and Martha and her family are in Alabama hunting. We will be have Thanksgiving lunch at my house.
From our family to your Happy Thanksgiving and know that you are loved. We pray for your safe as you travel. May the angel surround your cars and planes from all harm. And I pray every day that you will know the love of Jesus for you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here's a picture of dad's rifle, one year later

Monday, November 23, 2009

An update on the new bed for Dad. Today I got a phone call from the bed company and because dad is in a level 1 and the bed he needs is a level 3, you cannot skip the level 2 so he will have to have a level 2 for 30 days before he is able to have a level 3 bed. Can you believe that. That's the Medicare way and we haven't seen the change that will come with the new Healthcare system we are going to get if the President gets his way. Anyway at least he gets a new and better bed then he has right now. 18 days to go! :)
Well good news is that dad's blood pressure is running normal and he has not had any medicine for high blood pressure, going into the second week. Also, since dad's wound care has to be everyday now, it is already looking better, says the home health nurse; I haven't seen it myself.
Another, big new event, November 27 will be a year since dad's accident and his rifle has been lost. Yesterday my little sister and her family are at the camp in Alabama; one of the neighbor was out hunting, long story short, found dad's rifle. It has been lost since the accident. I know at least three or four differnet times the some of the grandkids went out looking for his rifle and was never able to find it. A year later, it's found. It may not mean alot to others but for us it's hope that dad could recover. We know all the healing scriptures, we have quote, prayed over him and stood on for almost a year. Something I look at him and think about Jesus and the miracles that followed Him. Jesus said we would do greating then He because He goes to the Father for us. So, should I spit on and tell dad to get out of that bed and walk. Maybe just throw dad on the floor as Smith Wigglesworth, a great healing preacher from the 1930-50. Miracles follow him and his ministry. Understand I don't mean to sound disrespectful but I love my dad and would do anything for him to get well.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today is the 40th day that dad is out of the system with 20 days to go. Yesterday he had an appointment with the wound care doctor, he has some break downs to his skin from being the bed. The doctor was very upset because in a week’s time it has gotten worst. The one on his tailbone has gotten bigger, it draining more now and it is beginning to have an odor. He would need surgery but the doctor doesn’t think that doctor is strong enough or healthy enough to go through surgery. So will have to take the slower approach by changing the dressing every day, using this cream that will start removing the dead tissue, he will have to stay off of his back, the doctor has also ordered dad a new bed. When the bed is on, dad will be floating on the bed which will make it easier to turn him; there will be no pressure on his body.
Mom and I get so discouraged, we are doing all we can and most of the time we feel that we should be doing more. With a brain injury, when you get one thing working something else goes out of whack. Pray for us that God continues to give mom and I wisdom in helping dad get to the best that he can be and believe with us for a miracle. God says in his Word in Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, work without end. Amen.”

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saturday will make 40 days that dad is out of the system with 20 days to go. It seems that his blood pressure has balanced off to normal, he hasn't had blood pressure med's in 4 days. When we visited the TIRR Doctor, she gave him a new med that he is to get twice a day to wake him. Well it's working a little, at least we can get him to say a few words.
Last weekend Martha come for a few days and we where able to get dad out the bed and sit him in a chair. He doesn't want to open his eyes but he does hold his head up and so glad when we put him back in the bed. One morning he asked back when we said "Good Morning" and he answered Martha when she told him she loved him. He said, "I love you too" all on his own.
It amazes me how to little things of life we look for in this jounery to dad's healing and we hold on for that miracle that will restore dad back to life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yesterday, Dad had an evaluation with TIRR, which was 2 1/2 hours long with the doctor. Dr. Crump was great.
From the evaluation, it has been determined that dad will have to be inpatient, that they main objective will be to get him sitting, he will need injections in his leg muscles in order to loosen them. The doctor was coming to send an email to the DARS counselor informing them of his status of inpatient. Once DARS gets the formula evaluation from TIRR, it will be a matter of time for the moneys from the grant to be release and dad will be on his way TIRR for very intense rehab. Now we are on the program of having dad out of the Medicare system and today we are 36 days into a 60 day sit out. Now once he makes 60 days out of the Medicare system and Medicare hospital will start over on December 11, so if the grant has not been released he will be ready for TIRR on December 11. One way or another he will be at TIRR before the end of 2009. Our goal is to keep him health and out of the hospital.
Prayer request for dad is:

  • His blood pressure has been running too low - he needs to have a normal blood pressure. To get his blood pressure up today we had to put him back on Ritalin. It worked
  • The doctor yesterday has added a medication to keep him awake during the day. Today was his first day and he was wake more and trying to talk. What we don't need is for the medication to stir something else up. For the medication to work with his system.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here we go again...Dad is being released from the hospital. There were signs that dad could have had a silence heart attack and after test all last night and more test this morning, everything came back normal. He did not have a heart attack and will be go home with no changes to his medicine. Thank you all for praying; God does answer prayer.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just spoke with Dr. Bing, he is wanting us to bring dad in to the ER. His blood pressure is 150/45 and his finger tips have been blue since Saturday. Not sure what all that means but here we go.
Well, today dad is at the half way point; it is 30 days today that he has been out of the Medicare system. 30 days to go and Medicare will start over. He has an appointment with a TIRR doctor next Monday. Be praying for him, his oxygen level has been low since the weekend and the bottom number of his blood pressure is also pretty low this morning. I will be calling the doctor today.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dad has a physical therapy’s who comes twice a week. The problem she has is that she is unable to work with dad the way he would need to because she would need someone else to help. So she and I have decided the once a week we will work together to get him up out of the bed.
On Saturday, November 7, was our first time to work with him. We were able to get him out of the bed into a chair. As soon as we got him into the chair, his feet got really red. The blood was flowing. He looked good in the chair, we had video him in the chair but it didn’t come out. Check out the pictures.
There were other problems we were having:
1. His blood pressure was too low – the home health nurse called Dr. Bing, dad’s doctor, so he wanted us to hold his blood pressure med’s. Well it worked and his blood pressure is back to normal.
2. He sleeps all day and all night. I would say that in all he is awake maybe 30 minutes to one hour awake within 24 hours. The only med’s that could cause his to sleep so much is Ritalin. I asked Dr. Bing if we could start to weenie dad off and the doctor was in agreement. I really want dad to be awake when he goes for his evaluation at TIRR on the 16th of November.
3. His oxygen level was low. Mom and I noticed that his finger tips were a light blue so we put him on oxygen. When the physical therapies came I had her check and on the oxygen machine it was 99. After his therapy, an hour later, it was 87 off the machine.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Journey of Dad's Healing

On November 27, 2008; Eudras Prosperie's life changed in a moment. He was hunting, doing the thing he enjoyed most in life besides his family; all of a sudden he is fighting for his life.

It was Thanksgiving Day and Eudras, Joan and some of the children and grandchildren, were in Alabama at their hunting camp. He was out for an afternoon hunt and had just dropped off one of his grandsons at a deer stand, he was about 9/10th of a mile from their camp when his life changed, an accident that would turn his life and his family’s life upside down. No one really knows what happened, all we know is a friend, a member of the hunting club he belongs to, found him with the 4 wheeler on top of him. The accident reports say that the 4 wheeler flipped three times before pining Dad to the ground. He was rushed to a local hospital near his camp but his injuries were more than they could deal with so dad was life flighted into Birmingham, Alabama at UAB Hospital. There he would send the next 40 days fighting for his life.

From the accident, all of his injuries were on the left side. He had a punctured lung, broken ribs, traumatic brain injury, the left femur broke just above the knee and made its exit behind the knee cutting off the blood supply for about 8 hours. By the time he reached the UAB hospital his leg was black, the doctors gave him little hope of making it through the night and if he did, he would probability lose his leg. Against all odds, the doctors decided to do a vein transplant to save his leg, as soon he was stable. The next morning Dad had his first miracle, the left leg had been set in place by rods and he had perfect color and pulse to his lower leg. He was far from being out of the woods. A respirator would breathe for him. He was given amnesia med’s not to remember the trauma that he would endure. Mom lived in a hotel room near the hospital. Many friends and family members came together to support mom not just in prayer and physically coming to be with them but financially as well. Dad and mom have always been givers and what Jesus says about sowing and reaping is true. The blessings mom received was overwhelming.

From there Dad was transferred back to Louisiana, Thibodaux Regional Hospital for rehab. To make a long story short, dad was admitted into Thibodaux Regional three time and Terrebonne General once from January 5 to May 15. At this point dad was admitted into a Post Acute center for Brain Injury Patients where he ended up with a broken left hip. June 12, we had him transferred to Houston’s Medical Center with the hopes of having him admitted into Memorial Hermann TIRR (The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research) TIRR has been rated #4 in the US News as “Best Rehabilitation Hospital in the USA.
For dad’s hip replacement he was admitted into Memorial Hermann Medical Center Hospital for 37 days then he was released to a Post Acute Skilled Nursing Facilities where he was for 65 days. Dad has been in and out of hospitals, 11 different hospital stay to be exact. He has used up almost all of his hospital days with Medicare and in order for his hospital days to start over, he has to be out of the system for 60 days straight days. He cannot be admitted into the hospital or we will have to start over.
From the time dad left Louisiana to Texas, our goal has been to get him into TIRR. Dad has been evaluated twice by TIRR from an in-patient stand point but because of the lack of Hospital days he would have to pay out of pocket, which is about $3000.00 per day. On November 16, he will be evaluated again by TIRR but from an out of Hospital stand point. We also have applied with DRS (Division for Rehabilitation Services) which are a government grant for brain injury patients, which he has been accepted. So the next step would be once the evaluation is completed by the TIRR doctor and faxed to DRS, DRS will released the information to their main office in Austin, TX then when the money is available; he will pay all expenses to TIRR.
In the last meeting I had with DRS, goal was to set a plan in place for when the monies are released or Medicare hospital days start over.
· 30 days of comprehensive rehabilitation services to include Physical/Occupational/Speech (TIRR)
· Residential Physical/Occupational/Cognitive therapies up 3 months (Mentis Neuro Rehabilitation )
· Outpatient services for Physical/Occupational/Speech therapy, up to 120 hours.(TIRR)