Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sixteen days left.
From my family, we would like to say thank you all for standing by us, praying for us, all the calls, your love, prayers and even the financial blessings you have given us. So many of you have been a big support for mom and we kids thank you. Friday will be a year since dad’s accident, we have experience many ups and down but through it all God has been faithful, you have been His arms that have hug us when we needed to be held, His voice speaking words of encouragement that has been our strength and His ears to hear our cry. We have so much to be grateful about, the road has been long and we still have a ways to go. We believing for the big miracle that will be dad’s healing but really everyday is a miracle.
Juanita and her children are here in Houston to be with us on Thanksgiving, Donna and Nolan will be here on Friday and Martha and her family are in Alabama hunting. We will be have Thanksgiving lunch at my house.
From our family to your Happy Thanksgiving and know that you are loved. We pray for your safe as you travel. May the angel surround your cars and planes from all harm. And I pray every day that you will know the love of Jesus for you.

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