Monday, November 23, 2009

An update on the new bed for Dad. Today I got a phone call from the bed company and because dad is in a level 1 and the bed he needs is a level 3, you cannot skip the level 2 so he will have to have a level 2 for 30 days before he is able to have a level 3 bed. Can you believe that. That's the Medicare way and we haven't seen the change that will come with the new Healthcare system we are going to get if the President gets his way. Anyway at least he gets a new and better bed then he has right now. 18 days to go! :)
Well good news is that dad's blood pressure is running normal and he has not had any medicine for high blood pressure, going into the second week. Also, since dad's wound care has to be everyday now, it is already looking better, says the home health nurse; I haven't seen it myself.
Another, big new event, November 27 will be a year since dad's accident and his rifle has been lost. Yesterday my little sister and her family are at the camp in Alabama; one of the neighbor was out hunting, long story short, found dad's rifle. It has been lost since the accident. I know at least three or four differnet times the some of the grandkids went out looking for his rifle and was never able to find it. A year later, it's found. It may not mean alot to others but for us it's hope that dad could recover. We know all the healing scriptures, we have quote, prayed over him and stood on for almost a year. Something I look at him and think about Jesus and the miracles that followed Him. Jesus said we would do greating then He because He goes to the Father for us. So, should I spit on and tell dad to get out of that bed and walk. Maybe just throw dad on the floor as Smith Wigglesworth, a great healing preacher from the 1930-50. Miracles follow him and his ministry. Understand I don't mean to sound disrespectful but I love my dad and would do anything for him to get well.

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