Monday, November 9, 2009

Dad has a physical therapy’s who comes twice a week. The problem she has is that she is unable to work with dad the way he would need to because she would need someone else to help. So she and I have decided the once a week we will work together to get him up out of the bed.
On Saturday, November 7, was our first time to work with him. We were able to get him out of the bed into a chair. As soon as we got him into the chair, his feet got really red. The blood was flowing. He looked good in the chair, we had video him in the chair but it didn’t come out. Check out the pictures.
There were other problems we were having:
1. His blood pressure was too low – the home health nurse called Dr. Bing, dad’s doctor, so he wanted us to hold his blood pressure med’s. Well it worked and his blood pressure is back to normal.
2. He sleeps all day and all night. I would say that in all he is awake maybe 30 minutes to one hour awake within 24 hours. The only med’s that could cause his to sleep so much is Ritalin. I asked Dr. Bing if we could start to weenie dad off and the doctor was in agreement. I really want dad to be awake when he goes for his evaluation at TIRR on the 16th of November.
3. His oxygen level was low. Mom and I noticed that his finger tips were a light blue so we put him on oxygen. When the physical therapies came I had her check and on the oxygen machine it was 99. After his therapy, an hour later, it was 87 off the machine.

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