Monday, December 7, 2009

This past Saturday dad was admitted into the hospital. He has this infection in his leg and Saturday night he started running fever and his blood pressure was dropping. We took him to the ER were they began working him over. Long story short, his doctor came in today to tell us that the next 24 hours if dad’s blood pressure doesn’t start going up and stay up, it will be a matter of time. He has always been a fighter and strong. I didn’t think there is much fight left in him. I cherish your prays for him and my family, that he will not suffer. Pray for peace. One thing we know dad is ready and has asked Jesus to be Lord of his life.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tuesday night before going to bed, we were changing dad and noticed something had leaked on the mat of the bed. What we found was the wound from the hip replacement had opened and was oozing pus, lots of it. So we cleaned it by draining the pus from his leg, cleaning it with saline solution, and starting him on antibiotics. Dad has osteomyelitis in his leg and it had abscesses. I had contacted one of his doctors and pretty said that with the dad’s system was shutting down. If insufficient nourishment, which is needed for healing, the skin breakdown on his bottom and now the abscess hip represents of poor resistance to any kind of trauma, infection or injury. Which are all true but as believer in Christ and the finish work of the cross we know that healing is our so we can say “But God”.

All day yesterday that battle played in my head; Jesus says that by His strips we are healed, but it also says that “to the believer, death is our reward”. On and on, one scripture after another, I had this battle of scripture going on in my head. Now all of them were true, they are the promises from Father God and they are ours but it is up to us to use them. Being it was Wednesday night, it’s church night for us. Again the battle plays; should I go to church, I really need it for me, do I stay home with mom, I haven’t told her what the doctor was saying, I want to find someone else who will tell me something I want to hear.

I decide that I will talk with Mom after church, I needed a word from God and Pastor’s sermon was right on. Title is “Faith that Endures to the end” now that’s what I wanted to hear. I’m thinking, I didn’t come this far with dad just to throw in the towel and watch him die. This is the word I walked away with; that God will allow things to happen in your life, you might think it’s the devil but God is testing you. You can’t have a testimony without a test. God doesn’t test you so He can find out what you are made of. He, testes you so you will know what you are made of. Can you make or will you fall apart? Will you stand against the devil or give in? Our faith has to be tested, tried so we can know where we are weak. And in the testing, our faith will become stronger as pass the testing. The devil even said to Jesus, “did God really said””. The devil wants to bring in doubt. Make you question God and God is big enough for your questions. Then the Lord spoke to me and said that it’s not my choice but dads. But I decided that I’m going to do everything I can for dad even when he draws his last breath, I’m going to believe and pray that God would raise him from the die. I know; that sounds crazy but Jesus did it and He said we will do great then that because He goes to the Father for us.

I had called dad’s internal medicine doctor for him to see dad in his office, He checked dad out and took a culture, ran some blood test, his vital were normal, blood pressure was a little high but could be caused by pain. Today it’s not oozing pus but there is a nice hole in his leg. Once the test comes back, his doctor will start IV therapy by putting in a pick line so we can do the therapy at home. Now that’s the answer I wanted. Let’s do something, anything, not just stand around and do nothing. That just isn’t me.

The doctor said that we did two things right that help dad in stopping the infection from spreading; on we drained the pus and started the antibiotics. And I just thinking now, on Monday I heard in the spirit three days and saw a vision of things moving quickly and today is the third day and this all happened quickly...I think God is wanting to teach me something.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today we have a new problem that needs prayer. Dad had a hip replacement and ended up with and infection (osteomyelitis) this is a serious bone infection. Well last night the wound opened up, it has two holes that is oozing lot of pus. I'm waiting to hear from the infections disease doctor as to what we will be doing. My thoughts are, they will have to open it up and drain the infection and put a wound vac on it which will drain off any infection and cause the wound to heal up and close. This infection is deadly for dad. Please be praying about this but with God....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well I just heard back from TIRR and it’s not the news I wanted to hear. Back in October dad was taken to the hospital and there for two days. I was told by hospital staff that he wasn’t admitted but now I have learned that he was. So instead of been day 50 it is really day 38. He has 22 days to go, which means he will not be admitted until December 22. Mom and I are so tried but we can do.

Last night I was in the kitchen of the apartment and had a quick vision and heard 3 days. It was so loud that I jumped and thought someone was in the kitchen. This vision was quick and what I saw, things began to move quickly and heard very loudly 3 days. I’m not sure what all that means but when the lady from TIRR told me the news I was reminded of what I saw and heard in the vision. I can’t keep from tears as I type this, I still have to tell Mom. Mom and I feel like we have done everything that we could and on the other hand that we aren’t doing enough. The waiting is always the hardest.
On the 27th it made a year since Dad’s accident. So much has happened but we are waiting to hear from TIRR on when will be his admission. As far as my schedule goes today would be day 50 with 10 days to go. I have called TIRR and they are checking with Medicare if he has met all requirements, I don’t want any surprises. Bottom line Dad has to be out of Medicare Hospital system for 60 days for his hospital portion to start over.
We had a great Thanksgiving, Juanita and her children came on Wednesday, Donna and Nolan came on Friday. Juanita was a big help, she stay with dad on Thanksgiving day so mom was able to come to my house for lunch and then we took her to the movie to see “Blind Side” (great movie…a must see), then again on Saturday for birthday dinner for my daughter. Sunday was dad’s birthday, he turn 67…Monday dad had to wound care appointment and that went well.
I’m waiting to hear back from TIRR on three things, so be praying in agreement:
· If dad met the requirements of Medicare
· Where we stand with DARS
· What day will he be admitted into TIRR

Be watching for the next blog, I’m hoping to have an answer today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sixteen days left.
From my family, we would like to say thank you all for standing by us, praying for us, all the calls, your love, prayers and even the financial blessings you have given us. So many of you have been a big support for mom and we kids thank you. Friday will be a year since dad’s accident, we have experience many ups and down but through it all God has been faithful, you have been His arms that have hug us when we needed to be held, His voice speaking words of encouragement that has been our strength and His ears to hear our cry. We have so much to be grateful about, the road has been long and we still have a ways to go. We believing for the big miracle that will be dad’s healing but really everyday is a miracle.
Juanita and her children are here in Houston to be with us on Thanksgiving, Donna and Nolan will be here on Friday and Martha and her family are in Alabama hunting. We will be have Thanksgiving lunch at my house.
From our family to your Happy Thanksgiving and know that you are loved. We pray for your safe as you travel. May the angel surround your cars and planes from all harm. And I pray every day that you will know the love of Jesus for you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here's a picture of dad's rifle, one year later